It’s relatively simple to create a helical swept cut in SolidWorks. Create the helix, the profile, and then the swept cut. If the swept cut doesn’t pass the entire length of the body, though, you’ll get a flat end that doesn’t really represent the geometry you’d find in a drill bit, screw, or bolt. You… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Quick Tips
Creating a Three Way Miter in Weldments
There are a lot of hidden gems within SolidWorks that you wouldn’t typically know to look for. Once such tool is the corner treatment option, within the structural member tool. It allows you to modify individual joints, within a single structural member. Corner treatment allows you to set corner specific weld gaps as well as… Read more »
Scaling a Sketch in SolidWorks
Scaling a part in SolidWorks is pretty straight forward, using the scale feature. I even wrote a post about it here Scale a Part in SolidWorks. But what if you want to scale a sketch? That’s where the scale entities command comes in. It allows you to select out any number of sketch entities and… Read more »
SolidWorks Quick Tip: Creating Blends Between Bodies and Surfaces
If you’ve ever scene a carbon bike frame up close, you’ll notice that the blends at each joint are fairly complex, at least from a solid modeling perspective. Trying to use the fillet tool for geometry like this is just going to leave you feeling frustrated and confused. By using the boundary surface tool and… Read more »
Putting the Pieces Back Together: Fixing Disjointed Bodies in SolidWorks
You may at some point run into geometry like the two disjointed bodies shown below: You might be tempted to quickly extend the solids using a boundary or loft feature between the two, but this usually leads to a fairly poor transition between the bodies. The best way to approach this issue is to actually… Read more »
SolidWorks Quick Tip: Positioning a Plane Tangent to a Surface
When you click on a non planar face using the reference geometry>plane option, you can create a tangent plane. This tangent plane will be placed arbitrarily until a second reference is selected. By using a sketch point, these planes can be easily positioned in the desired orientation. In the case above, you can see that… Read more »