I want you to think of the tools that you use most frequently in SOLIDWORKS, especially the ones that you have to search out or are hidden deep in the pull down menus. Why don’t you have keyboard shortcuts for these? I had to ask myself the same question after one too many times of… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Quick Tips
SOLIDWORKS Surfacing: Fixing a Hole Wizard Countersink
The Hole Wizard, in SOLIDWORKS, places countersinks and other holes flat to a point on a surface. Anything that is above this plane will be left alone, so for geometry that isn’t flat, you may be left with an overhang. The video below will show you a few methods on quickly remedying this problem.
Photoview 360: No Need to be Camera Shy
You probably do it all the time; I know I do. You set up the perfect view, for a render, in Photoview 360 and create a render, only to have to make a small change to the model for a new render. You then go back and spend a few minutes trying to recreate the… Read more »
Getting Twisted: Driving a Helix by a Path
The Helix/Spiral tool in SolidWorks is limited to creating straight helices and spirals, so to create a helix along a curved path, you have to get a little creative. The twist along path option, in swept features, allows you to forego the use of the Helix tool and use a combination of a swept surface… Read more »