1. Getting Started with Weldments 1hr 09m 22s
- Adding in Weldment Profile Standards 05m 24s
- Working with Weldment Profiles 02m 41s
- Structural Members 14m 41s
- Reference Geometries 06m 31s
- Sketching for Weldment Designs 09m 59s
- EX1: Creating a Workbench 08m 03s
- EX2: Bar Stool 12m 37s
- Creating Custom Profiles 09m 26s
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2. Trimming Bodies 0hr 19m 29s
- Trim Order 08m 13s
- The Trim/Extend tool 11m 16s
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3. Patterning 0hr 28m 30s
- Patterning for Weldments 06m 28s
- EX 3: Lighting Truss 13m 01s
- EX 4: Jungle Gym Ladder 09m 01s
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4. Gussets and End Caps 0hr 14m 44s
- Gussets 03m 34s
- End Caps 03m 35s
- Gussets for Round Tubing 07m 35s
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5. Advanced Sketching 0hr 10m 37s
- Managing Non Planar Fillets 03m 09s
- Approximating a Helix 07m 28s
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