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1. Intro to Surfacing Tools 1hr 05m 06s

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2. Splines and Curves 1hr 10m 15s

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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

3. Boundaries and Fills 1hr 15m 28s

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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

4. Examples 0hr 12m 17s

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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

Create and edit complex solid and surface geometry, including stylish, curvature-continuous surfaces that wouldn’t otherwise be possible using solid modelling techniques.


  • Create curvature continuous surfaces for optimal aesthetics, in your designs.
  • Use surfacing tools to create geometry that would be otherwise impossible to make.
  • Improve workflow by using a hybrid of solid and surface modelling techniques.
  • Limitations of NURBs surfaces and how this affects the design process