1. Starting Out with SOLIDWORKS 2hr 08m 44s
- 1.0 Welcome to SOLIDWORKS and SolidWize 15m 24s
- 1.1 Mouse Clicks and Intro to Sketching 15m 42s
- 1.2 Building Solid Geometry and Creating a Bracket 25m 32s
- 1.3 Creating a Bracket Continued 27m 26s
- 1.4 Getting to Know the Line Tool 12m 27s
- 1.5 The Rectangle Tool 09m 34s
- 1.6 Working with Additional Sketch Entities 22m 39s
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2. Introduction to Drawings and Assemblies 1hr 10m 35s
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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

3. Appendix 0hr 34m 06s
- Customizing Toolbars and Shortcuts 09m 02s
- Creating Custom Templates 06m 30s
- Working with the Settings 08m 43s
- Backup and Autorecover Settings 06m 41s
- Saving Your Settings 03m 10s
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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

This section is for subscribers only.
Subscribers are provided with the same SolidWorks files that Rohit uses during each tutorial. Make the most of your learning experience by following along with each lesson.
- Setup the interface and shortcuts to improve your workflow
- Use custom templates
- Save your settings and get backup and autorecover setup
- SOLIDWORKS Files are going to be fully associative to each other wherever used