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1. Introduction to Assemblies 0hr 21m 57s

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2. Mating Components 1hr 03m 57s

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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

3. Evaluating 0hr 21m 38s

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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

4. Patterns 0hr 07m 46s

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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

5. Display and Appearance 0hr 33m 50s

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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

6. File Management 0hr 11m 15s

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7. Toolbox 0hr 08m 20s

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Each set of videos contains free sample content. Simply click on the blue links to view them. Become a member for full access.

8. Incontext Design 0hr 38m 16s

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This section is for subscribers only.

Subscribers are provided with the same SolidWorks files that Rohit uses during each tutorial. Make the most of your learning experience by following along with each lesson.

This section covers building and managing assemblies within SolidWorks. Learn how to properly mate assemblies, manage files, and build parts incontext of an assembly.


  • Select the right mate type
  • Use a SolidWorks assembly to evaluate your design
  • Build parts incontext
  • Control the appearance and visualizations of your design